
Gwénola Hecaen

Professional of Coaching with Horses

Founder of EquiGuidance, Coaching and Horses, my passion for horses has been following me since I was 4 years old. Whether it was in a context of competition, studies of equine ethology, education and reeducation of the horse, all has been based on a relationship with mutual trust and respect.

With an Engineering academic background, I have been living and working in two countries so far : France and Mexico. I have 10 years of experience in corporations, mainly acquired in the insurance/reinsurance sector with a strong international culture. This allowed me to gain know-how and agility linked to the adaptability of different environments and organizations always more complex.

However, I must admit that I’ve inititated my greatest teachings thanks to the horses.

As such, how to:

Develop your “softskills” related to emotional intelligence, question yourself, find your position and posture as a referent, to obtain the adhesion within trust and respect, exercise patience and tolerance.

Certified coach with horses, I am delighted to be able today to put the horse at the service of the human and his abilities, especially in the companies and institutions.

I am also a certified Map & Match coach, a tool that will allow me to accompany you through the discovery of your talents of what you “love doing” in order to reconnect to the energy necessary to unfold your potential.

Boosting commitment and collective performance through the appetites and complementarity of a team, accelerating Onboarding, aligning the team with the strategic challenges of the company, helping with the recruitment and management of talent, driving change, are so many applications to which Map & Match will allow us to save precious time.

"The greatest good you can do for another (...)
is not just to share your wealth but to reveal to him his own"
Benjamin Disraeli
Interview about life transition topic